I am deeply passionate about understanding the early universe and the intricate processes that shape its evolution. My current research focuses on analyzing multi-field inflation models, quantum loop corrections, and the production of primordial black holes (PBHs). I am also interested in stochastic inflation mechanisms and their implications for cosmological observables.
Harish D. N.
National Dong Hwa University
Hualien, Taiwan
Investigating stochastic inflation in USR model and studying it's effect on Primordial Black Holes. Work in progress.
Studying the production of massive PBHs and the role of quantum loop corrections in hybrid inflation models. Using numerical simulations to understand the dynamics of the waterfall phase and its implications for PBH abundance. We learned that the PBH produced are too small to be observed by direct detection and show that it may be possible to detect the induced gravitational waves by the proposed future detectors like the Big Bang Observer (BBO).